Sunday, May 8, 2011



" 病从口入 "

This is what I found out in 1990 when I was serving in Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia.

I was posted to serve in Kuching with effect from 1st January, 1990. My main function was to manage the operations of computer main frame. 80% of my working hours will be focusing on the main terminal.

Around March, 1990 I was having strange giddiness occasionally in the office or while driving. Each time giddiness came would normally lasted for a few seconds.

Eye specialist, physician and ENT specialist from General Hospital checked me but couldn't actually explained the cause. I remember the last specialist who saw me was ENT specialist who prescribed some vitamin B complex and medicine for giddiness and fixed my next appointment in three month time.

Well, I didn't take the medication at all. This was because nobody can tell me exactlly what happened to me.

My caring wife was worried about my condition and suggested why not stop taking meat and go for vegetarian diet. I was a great meat eater and taking vegetarian food was my last option.

.However, I was so busy at my work and my life could be at risk if giddiness came while driving. I finally decided to give a trial taking vegetarian food. For a start , my wife gradually reduced cooking meat at home the first month and second month onwards we were on full vegetarian meal.

Surprisingly, two months later, my strange giddiness was gone just before my next appointment. As a result, I didn't go for my appointment with doctor. While I was happy and thankful for my wife's suggestion and my decision to opt for vegetarian diet, I was more too surprised to learn that my big problem with internal piles or haemorrhoids for the last 10 years also disappeared. It was such a big relief for me and dissolved my suffering for so long.


It started around 1980 . At the beginning, I found drops of blood each time after passing motion. I did not take it seriously and as time passed ,bleeding during passing motion was becoming more serious. I sought advice from medical doctor and advice given were as follow:-

1. Go for Surgery or

2. Avoid curries, hot and spicy food,

3. No fried food,

4. Drinking more water and eat plenty of vegetables to avoid constipation.

I made the decision not to go for surgery after learning the experience from my close friend who had the surgery at district hospital in late seventies and remained in hospital for weeks. Of course, the advancement of medical science today could be much different and surgery should be easier and less complications.

Besides, I had no problem in constipation and didn't face any discomfort toilet habits every morning. To stop taking curries, spicy and fried food were not my choice. My condition got worse and at least 5 days a week my toilet bowl was painted red.

One day, my Singaporean brother brought me to see a Chinese Sinseh who was suppose to be specialised in treating piles or Haemorrhoids. His method was to use v-shape apparatus and tied the internal piles which would dropped off after few days. Yes, it was alright for few months. Unfortunately, my internal piles came back and I was fed up and didn't bother to care for it for years until early 1990 when I changed my diet to vegetarian food.

Since 1990, my strange giddiness and Piles or Haemorrhoids said good-bye to me, I made my firm decision never to turn back eating my former favourite menu. From then on , many of my close friends already called me GRASS EATER.


So far , I am okay today and remain a vegetarian.

If you are having the same problem of Piles or Haemorrhoids, try avoid taking meat and take a lot of fruits and all types of vegetables for at least 2 months. I am sure you will be okay. Best of health to all of you and kindly inform all your friends and relatives who are facing the same problem.

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