Thursday, September 24, 2009


One day in year 2004, a bachelor aged 40+ visited me at my retail shop to seek complementary healing. He enquired whether I could help healing his abdomen ailment using my healing energy. According to him he has undergone treatment for months in hospital but shown no improvement.

I offered him seat and getting ready to pass healing energy to his chakras. His appearance looked pale and a bit worried. After the healing session, I advised him to come back daily for the next 10 days to ensure improvement of his ailment. He looked happier and informed me he could feel the flow of energy (qi in Mandarin) inside him. He seemed to be sensitive of qi indeed.

Immediately after he had left, I was wondering and to recollect myself the chilly feeling from the spine down to my feet during the healing session. Was it negative qi from the person or was I too sensitive ?

Well, I ignored the incidence and looking forward to examine him again the next day. Frankly, that was my first experience of that strange feeling since I started my Human Universal Energy healing class taught by Prof. Dr. Sir Master Luong Minh Dang, a Vietnamese since 1998.

The next exciting day, by coincidence , I was chit-chatting with another energy healer, a Korean in my shop , the bachelor kept his appointment arrived for a second session of energy healing. Before I started, my Korean friend who was more experienced and sensitive to qi whispered to me that the man might have negative energy with him.

However, I went ahead to offer my universal energy to his chakras. After completing healing session, I posed him questions.

" How did you feel after the first healing session yesterday ?" I asked.

"I slept very well but I felt strange water dripping in my abdomen. It did not give me problem." He looked happier than yesterday.

"Have you ever been possessed by any kind of evil spirit ?" I continued my next question.

He looked shocked about my direct question and remained speechless for a while.

He finally replied, "Yes, I requested a master to place 3 spirits inside me with a fee. It was for protection against misfortune and bring good luck. Unfortunately, it didn't work out and now I am having abdomen ailment. Besides, the worst happening was I could see eerie figures floating around my room at night and love very much to attend anybody mourning prayers throughout the night. I was in nightmare and my life was in a mess and decided to get rid of the spirits. I went back to the same master but was requested to pay a fee. I couldn't afford and therefore went searching for Chinese medium (person on trance) to help exorcise the spirits but failed. Each time the medium tried to help but faced difficulty and fainted. My apology for not revealing to you earlier."

I totally had no experience in handling that kind of spiritual encounter. I decided to refer him to my universal Meditation centre.

Be honest, sincere, work diligently, practice loving kindness and DANA within your means, you don't need that kind of BEINGS to assist you. Always remind myself Karma will take its course.

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