Friday, February 3, 2012


Malaysian from Semenanjung Malaysia have a lot to learn from Sabah and Sarawak as far as racial harmony is concerned.
I stayed in Sabah for 4 years and 7 years in Sarawak. You hardly see race and religion issues highlighted in their local media. Whether you are Iban, Kadazan, Murut, Bajau, Chinese or Malay, they got on their lives well . Race and religion were never an issue.
In one occassion in the year 1987 in Sabah, I met one Dato Jaafar at Chinese New Year open house. I was introduced to him & we sat at the main table. Being brought up in Semenanjung living environment, I felt uneasy as many dishes on the table were 'non-halal' and I hinted to my Sabah Chinese friend.
Dato Jaafar heard the conversation and he jokingly told me that I was in Sabah and not in Semenanjung Malaysia. He mentioned that he would only go for the halal dish on the table and its never an issue.
According to Dato Jaafar, he represented Sabah to be one of the signatory in the Declaration of Formation of Malaysia. Unfortunately, he was dissappointed that he was no more invited to attend any Hari Kemerdekaan celebration.
Politicians from Semenanjung Malaysia should make an attempt to visit Sabah and Sarawak more often and learn from them ways to improve racial harmony.

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